Monday, May 28, 2007

Joel graduated!

May 28

What a week-end-- actually, what a month. We are exhausted from moving Joel's stuff back from Providence in a U-Haul truck! That is, Andy and I drove (me too!) with Joel's worldly goods in the truck. Joel and Sarah are still driving back in the Subaru. It was a great week-end: dinner Friday with Ellen and Jon and Greg and Bethany and us and Joel and Sarah; then the big dance where we saw Ethan Schreiber and Vanessa; Ken and Linda the next day too along with Harvey and Adrianne. The Phi Beta Kappa presentation; the Baccalaureate speech; receptions, dinner cooked by Joel, Seb, Melanie and Sarah for the families, Joel baking pies with his own crust! Sunday all graduation all day with Chiaki and Tak and the thrill of Joel surprising us by geting to walk up on the stage! They had one student representing each group (1200 students, so thousands of family members and well-wishers)--one Bachelor of Arts, one Bachelor of Science, etc., and Joel got to "walk" representing people who got both a Bachelor of Science AND a Masters! He also got interviewed in the Providence newspaper.

Beautiful day-- B.B. King got an honorary and sang a cappella-- how delightful and touching. Dinner that night with Ken, Linda, and Ethan and Vanessa and us (us being Andy, me, Joel, and Sarah). Lots of photos (see a samply at graduation pictures). Very exciting and exhausting.And today-- up early renting truck, hours of packing and carrying things downstairs, then driving, and now waiting for Joel and Sarah to get here--and they are off tomorrow, she to D.C., he to a conference in CA!

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