Saturday, February 10, 2007

Good News for Joel

The phone rang after we'd gone to sleep last night-- one of those horrible sounds when you're deep under, and I always associate such calls with terrible disasters or at least with someone sick when Andy's on call. Andy answered, and souned confused but not unhappy, and then passed me the phone, and it was Joel--he'd just been accepted into Stanford University's Ph.D. in Computer Science program! He was extremely excited--this is apparently something wonderful (albeit still in California). Also Joel has accepted a job already, signed a contract etc. Well, it must have felt very good to him-- always a pleasure to hear good things about your kid. And to have a call in the night that isn't death and disaster.

And I've been invited to teach the Nonfiction workshop at Hindman this summer-- always a delight to be there, hear the voices, smell the air.

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