Thursday, October 07, 2004

Anybody depressed besides me?

It's the election. I am usually pretty good at imagining various people's outlooks, but I honestly can't see why millions of people aren't pulling back in horror from what our present administration has done. A lady started talking to me in the grocery line yesterday, one of these people who can't be not talking, and she was looking at a copy of Black Enterprise with a picture of the guy who spoke at the Democration COnvention, Obama? She started in on how people are being fooled, which I was about to agree with, but she meant by the ones who are considering voting Democratic. "All that matters is our safety," she said. "I know the facts." I was both dumbfounded and in total coupons-for-groceries mode, so I didn't engage her. A lost opportunity: I might have actually learned something about the answer to my question, How can you support liars and bullies, warmonger and corporate shills? Well, maybe she answered it: fear?

She said she lived twenty years in Miami. Might she be an emigre Cuban? Will I have to make up a story to have this make sense for me?

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