Saturday, December 16, 2023

 Well, I asked ChatGPT to write a passage in my style, and it came back with this (Actually, more than this, but I can't stand even this much):

In the hazy embrace of a West Virginia morning, where mist clung to the rolling hills like whispered secrets, Clara ....a woman of quiet resilience, traced the worn spine of a paperback novel with calloused fingertips. The words within held a sacred resonance, echoing the stories of those who had tread the same path before her. Outside, a lone crow cawed from the branches of an ancient oak, its melancholic song carrying across the valley...In the distance, the river carved its course through the rugged terrain, a silver ribbon woven into the landscape's tapestry. Clara's thoughts, like the river's meandering flow, navigated the twists and turns of memory....Clara, with a reverence reserved for the familiar, stepped onto the worn porch. The rocking chair, an heirloom handed down through generations, creaked in rhythm with the sway of her contemplative thoughts.

"Mist like whispered secrets?" Yuck-a-poo. "A reverence reserved for the familiar"? Puh-lease.
What does that even mean?
It did a little better with a request for a short science fiction story.

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