Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Smudged Weather

Well, we'rre having the real thing with the weather. Up here in my office, even with the fan directly on me, it is pretty hot and sticky, miserable may be the operative word here.

I had a note from Chiaki Achiwa to say they are back in Japan and have an apartment now. She says it is extremely humid in Tokyo. I wrote back about how we had about days of beautiful sunny crystalline weather, but now everything looks smudged and ominous. Or is the ominous only how I feel about the coming discomfort. Well, we apparently have some more of the nice weather coming next week– it’s a typical sequence here in the great Northeast, miserably greasy greenish yellow days followed by the ones that are as brilliant as jewels, usually with some thunder storms to mark the changeover.

I think it’s the way weather should be! And don’t understand why people want to live in stupid old perfect California anyhow.

This would be about how I feel about Joel moving out there. He’s going to be working for Sun Microsystems for a year and then going to Berkeley for a Ph.D. At least that’s the plan. And I’m having a rough week while he packs and meets with movers and then on Sunday, he and Sarah start their road trip across the U.S. of A. I'm feeling pretty smudgey myself about this.

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